What is SNI and what are the benefits of it ?
SNI is a standard set by the government for various products made by the Indonesian people, both those produced individually and those produced by an agency or company. This has been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No.72/M-DAG/PER/9/2015 which requires goods in certain categories to be produced in accordance with SNI. Related to the list of goods that fall into this category, it can be seen on the website of the Ministry of Trade.
SNI is given in the form of a stamp on every item that is in accordance with the provisions set by the government. This stamp then guarantees the quality standards and also the feasibility of the goods that have passed and are in accordance with the standards imposed by the government. This will guarantee the rights and safety of consumers who use these goods. Not only consumers, SNI will also protect the rights and obligations of a business actor who has carried out the production or marketing process of an item.
The application of SNI on products will make it easier and more comfortable for consumers to find the products they need. This becomes an added value for producers, because they will have quality assurance in the goods they produce and market, so that their chances of penetrating the market become easier. For this reason, it is highly recommended for business people to use SNI on every product they produce.
SNI registration can be done at the Ministry of Industry through the Standardization Center Product Certification Institute (LSPro-Pustan). Do the following steps to register SNI:
1. Fill in the SPPT SNI Application Form
Usually this process will take 1 day. This SNI Marking Product Certificate Form (SPPT) will require several documents as attachments, including:
Photocopy of ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certificate which is legalized. This certificate can be obtained at the Quality System Certification Institute (LSSM) which is accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).
Certificate from the LSSM of the country of origin of the product that already has a mutual recognition agreement with KAN, this is if the product is an imported product from abroad.
2. Application Verification
After the filling process and also the equipment of the document, the LSPro-Pustan will verify several things, including: the scope of the audit location, and the ability to understand the local language. This process will usually take 1 day, and after verification is complete we will be given an invoice containing details of the costs we must pay.
3. Producer Quality Management System Audit
In this system audit, we will check the suitability of the implementation of the quality management system that we do in the business that we run. This usually takes about 5 days, which will include two things: suitability and adequacy.
In the adequacy audit, the team will review the Quality Management System documents that we have. If discrepancies are found in this regard, then corrections must be made within a maximum of 2 months.
4. Product Sample Testing and Assessment
To carry out this process, the LSPro-Pustan Team will come to the production site and take product samples for testing. This process will generally take about 20 days.
After the process is carried out, it will be seen whether the test results are in accordance with SNI. If it is not suitable, then we will be asked to test the product ourselves until it is suitable and then it is worthy to be checked again by the LSPro-Pustan team.
5. Certification Decision
After all the above processes, the team will close the results of the audits and tests that have been carried out. The preparation of meeting materials usually takes 7 days, while the panel meeting itself will last for 1 day.
6. Provision of SPPT-SNI
The LSPro-Pustan team will clarify our efforts after the panel meeting is over, so the product can get an SNI certificate. All of these processing processes will usually take about a month and the certificates given will be valid for the next 3 years.
There are at least three parties who directly benefit from the application of SNI for a product.
The first party is the producer. SNI encourages the creation of a product with certain standards, which can only be produced if the production process meets certain criteria. To achieve this, producers will try to find efficient and effective processes, starting from the selection of raw materials, production processes, to packaging and distribution. In other words, producers will continue to innovate so that their products are competitive in the market.
The next party, of course, is the consumer. Why? The existence of SNI will help consumers to choose quality products. The existence of SNI will help consumers to be free from products that are harmful to the safety of life, health, or the environment. SNI also allows consumers to enjoy goods that match the price and quality. It is easy to determine the choice of good products and one of them cannot be done by checking whether these products have SNI or not. Especially for products whose SNI is still voluntary.
The last party who gets direct benefits is the government itself. Why? The existence of SNI makes the domestic market have a protection mechanism from the invasion of foreign goods whose quality is unknown. Another benefit is that with the wider application of SNI, new economic dynamics will grow, where producers will try to obtain SNI for their products, while in the community there will be more product certification bodies that are also credible to assess and test a product.